Having a commercial driver’s license (CDL) comes with responsibilities as well as privileges. If you are in possession of a CDL, the chances are that you earn your living driving a truck or other commercial vehicle and that getting ticketed is something you try hard to avoid. While no one wants to get a ticket, for those with CDLs a ticket is a threat to their livelihood. This is why truck drivers in Southern California, particularly in Orange, South Los Angeles and San Bernardino and San Diego Counties, routinely come to CheapTrafficAttorneys.com for legal representation in such situations. If you are a truck driver in our area, connecting with us will give you the best possible chance of having your case dismissed.
As you probably know, drivers require CDLs if they are engaged in one of the following:
Because drivers of such vehicles require additional skill sets, CDLs are more difficult to qualify for than ordinary driver’s licenses and commercial drivers must obey more stringent traffic rules than the average driver. For these reasons, commercial drivers are especially careful in selecting highly skilled legal professionals when faced with traffic violations.
Harsh penalties for CDL traffic violations make legal counsel essential for truckers and other commercial drivers. Contacting CheapTrafficAttorneys.com when you first receive a traffic ticket is likely to be a very wise decision. In our years of practice we have saved 10,000 clients many millions in fines and increased insurance costs. We have defended CDL clients from all kinds of traffic tickets — based on alleged speeding, equipment violations, lane violations, not stopping for red lights, making illegal U-turns, disobey signs, and logbook violations. We have helped many individuals hold onto their well-paying jobs by keeping their CDLs unblemished.
The more common CDL, Commercial Driver’s License or Truck Driver tickets we see are:
Once you put yourself in our capable hands, we will work diligently to get your case dismissed or at least to get the charges reduced. We realize how high the stakes are for you and take our responsibility to defend you very seriously.
In some cases we may be able to prove that the police officer made inaccurate statements or that his or her radar gun was malfunctioning. In others, you may be able to provide a witness’s account that verifies your version of events. It is also possible that your “violation” was unavoidable for reasons of safety (e.g. if you made an illegal turn to avoid hitting another vehicle). You can trust us to use the strategy that will work best.
At trial, there is always the inherent risk that the Judge will find a person guilty. Therefore, perhaps most importantly, in some Courts (not all) CheapTrafficAttorneys.com may be able to get the charge changed to a 0 point violation, such as 21710 CVC or 38300 CVC, to avoid the Driver’s License and insurance consequences of a CDL violation conviction.
Laws for truck drivers and other drivers with CDLs are stricter than for ordinary drivers, and the penalties for violations harsher. This is not unreasonable when you consider that commercial drivers, by the very nature of the vehicles they drive, are more dangerous on the road. Large trucks and buses are much heavier than cars and can create far greater damage during a collision. By the same token, such vehicles may be carrying many individuals (e.g. bus passengers) to whom they owe a duty of care. In other circumstances, those with CDLs may be transporting hazardous materials which pose a potential threat to everyone in the vicinity. Because of the greater risk presented by commercial vehicles, in California, nearly all large vehicles are restricted to a maximum of 55 mph pursuant to 22406(a) CVC.
CDL drivers operating their vehicles at 10 mph or more over the 55 mph limit will be fined $490. Those traveling at speeds of 15 mph or more over the speed limit will, in addition to their fines, face 50 to 120 days of license suspension. The actual monetary penalties for CDL Californians who receive traffic tickets are typically much higher than their base fines indicate, often as much as 10 times greater. Most CDL tickets will also result in 1.5 driver’s points (California Driver’s License) on your license.
In addition, once you are found guilty of a moving violation, even if you are ticketed while driving your personal vehicle, you will no any longer qualify for a “good driver” discount, so your insurance premium may increase. More troubling is the effect points on your license will have on your employment.
If you are a CDL trucker or other commercial driver who has been pulled over and ticketed for a moving traffic violation, you are by no means alone. Any moving violation puts you and your employment at risk, so don’t waste time worrying. The sooner you get in touch with the CheapTrafficAttorneys.com, by phone or by filling out a contact form on our website, the sooner we can take steps to protect you from the consequences of receiving the ticket.